Embracing Immutability in Asynchronous JavaScript Functions: Conditional Async Calls


Embracing Immutability in Asynchronous JavaScript Functions: Conditional Async Calls

As a JavaScript Software Developer, I've often found myself in situations where I need to call an async function based on a certain condition. The challenge here is to do so without using mutable variables like let, and without interrupting the main function flow. In this article, I'll share a solution that embraces immutability and keeps the code clean and maintainable.

The Challenge

Imagine you have a function that needs to call an async function based on an input condition. You want to keep your code immutable, avoiding the use of let, and you also want to ensure that the main function flow doesn't get tangled with async/sync flow.

The Mutable Solution

Here's a step-by-step guide to the non-immutable approach:

1. Create the Async Function

First, let's create the async function that we may need to call:

async function fetchData() {
  const data = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data');
  return data.json();

2. Use let to Handle the Conditional Async Call

In the main function, we'll use a let variable to handle the conditional async call:

async function mainFunction(inputCondition) {
  let data = null;

  if (inputCondition) {
    data = await fetchData();

  // Continue with the main function flow
  // 'data' will be either the fetched data or null

The Immutable Solution

We can achieve this by abstracting the async call into a separate function and using promises to handle the conditional logic. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Create the Async Function

The async function remains the same:

async function fetchData() {
  const data = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data');
  return data.json();

2. Abstract the Conditional Async Call

Next, we'll create a function that abstracts the conditional async call. This function will return a promise, allowing us to handle the async operation seamlessly:

function conditionalFetch(condition) {
  return condition ? fetchData() : Promise.resolve(null);

3. Use the Abstracted Function in the Main Flow

Now, we can use the conditionalFetch function in our main function flow without any mutable variables or async/sync interruptions:

async function mainFunction(inputCondition) {
  const result = await conditionalFetch(inputCondition);
  // Continue with the main function flow
  // 'data' will be either the fetched data or null


While the non-immutable approach using let is a valid solution, it lacks some of the elegance and maintainability of the immutable approach that leverages promises. By understanding both approaches, developers can make informed decisions based on their projects' specific needs and constraints.

The choice between these two approaches often comes down to personal preference, project requirements, and coding standards within a team or organization. Both have their place in a developer's toolkit and understanding the trade-offs can lead to more robust and maintainable code.

By abstracting the async call into a separate function and using promises, we've created a solution that adheres to the principles of immutability and keeps the main function flow clean and uninterrupted.

This approach promotes code maintainability and readability, making it easier to test and debug. It's a testament to the power and flexibility of modern JavaScript and a valuable technique for developers to have in their toolkits.